The role is based out of Atlanta, GA.
The purpose of the Director of Partner Development is to provide overall leadership and development strategy for GFM’s fundraising and stewardship activities in order to further the mission. This ministry role is part-time and support-raising is encouraged, but payment is provided. The Director of Development has the ability to work on site and from home on a regular basis. The role is based out of Atlanta, GA.
Required Qualifications
- Must personally embrace GFM’s purpose, vision, values and statement of faith and identify as a maturing believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
- Demonstrated experience in leading a non-profit team in raising funds
- Must demonstrate humility, teachability, and an ability to work well with others
- Must display advanced interpersonal and communication skills (Gmail, Slack, etc.)
- Must function well both independently and in a team environment
- Must have experience in communicating with executive leaders in a variety of settings
Recommended Experience
- A College Degree is preferred but not required; informal trainings in management, organization, leadership, development or ministry are also acceptable.
Key Responsibilities
- Provide overall strategy and direction for all of GFM’s fundraising activities and development efforts
- Assist in developing a 3 year and 10 strategic plan with SMART development goals
- Implement development best practices and processes (following up on gifts, thanking well, visits, etc.) to grow relationships that can be sustained by the GFM staff, board, and development team
- Provide oversight and organize weekly check ins with the rest of the development team (bookkeeper and the partnership development coach)
- Weekly check in with the executive director for updates and strategizing concerning bookkeeping, individual partnership development coaching, and advancement
- Meet once a month with the board member that oversees advancement and to help organize and implement board advancement committee meetings
- Sustain and expand GFM’s donor base
- Keep and ‘lift’ existing individual and relationships
- Cultivate new individual and church givers
- Build non cash asset giving
- Establish foundation giving from Family and/or Christian foundations through grant writing
- Guide board development and expansion
- Help the board identify new prospective donors and churches
- Coach the board on how to look for and find new board members
- Coach members at board meetings to give generously with their time, talent and treasure
- Run monthly and quarterly reports for the board, executive director, and development team to assess Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Keep GFM's CRM updated with current information on all donors and partner churches including all donations, communications, contact information, etc.
- Provide scripts and email communications for development conversations
- Coordinate with the creative media and communications team to plan digital fundraising strategies and year end giving
- Keep the GFM website donations and giving pages updated with current needs and opportunities within GFM